In present architecture houses are really hi-tech, economic and environment friendly. Constructors are using finest materials to be certain, that new house would be warm and cheap.


Autor: Jérémi Roy
But unluckily this trend is popular only since one decade. Plenty of the houses build many years earlier have plenty of holes within their walls and thanks to that expenditures on heating may be really high for inhabitants. But there is a way to make Your building insulated again.
Individuals that are sleeping in vintage buildings need to invest some cash to arrange a thermal insulation, and after several years this money will return to them in gas bills. At start every, vintage window in entire building have to be switched into air proof ones. This is not very costly alternative nowadays, You could choose from different labels.

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Next step will be to protect the roof from loosing warm heat, You do not have to change it much, only simple insulation material from the interior will be enough. But the most relevant are walls, which probably are very leaky, this is common in vintage buildings created from bricks. You can try a special thermal insulation outward and inside, there are many interesting fabrics to use here. Special structure block the warm air inside but still every wall will have a chance to breath underneath. So You don’t have to be afraid of any fungus. Exterior insulation will be also a great way to change the look of entire house with elegant panels.

Thermal insulation may be costly, mostly when You like to warm up whole house. But within couple of years You’ll realize that expenditures for Your heating are far lower and You don’t have to use a sweater within the house no more.