Observing the news on TV and observing diverse complications and situations that happen worldwide we frequently tend to feel that the newsmen tend to speak about something we are not involved in. An attractive example in such case is connected with financial crisis. It is implied by the fact that even though it has been a problem that was on the top in miscellaneous mass medias, still a variety of people didn’t suffer from this topic at all.

traffic jam

Autor: Montgomery County Planning Commission
Źródło: http://www.flickr.com

Nevertheless, this doesn’t imply that no one suffered, as plenty companies owing to poor economic condition had to be shut down. The previously mentioned example was rather analyzed to indicate that there are some examples of trends we may easily discover inter alia by going outside and doing some observation. This is possible to be done if we would like to check whether the situation in the sphere of automotive & transport has developed throughout present decades.

It is connected with the fact that, above all, a lot of people have an automobile at present. This indicates that due to the fact of the technological progress that has developed its speed throughout recent decade, the costs of mediocre car has significantly been scrapped, which makes more and more clients be able to purchase them. Moreover, we can even look for some news or stats in order to find out that owing to the development of the field of automotive & transport there are more and more traffic jams as more and more people buy the automobiles.

Besides, if we would like to ask ourselves what the future of the sphere presented previously is going to be, we can quickly observe that there would be still increasing amount of cars on the road. In addition, due to the progress in the sector of automotive & transport we may be assured that the most influential threat connected with this fact – increasing the harm to the environment, would be significantly reduced in the future and, as a result, the cars would become less harmful to our planet.